Digital ad company is getting Leeds firms noticed

Run PPC are experts in helping you get the best results onlineRun PPC are experts in helping you get the best results online
Run PPC are experts in helping you get the best results online
A paid search agency is celebrating triumph after a challenging year – with family law specialists Austin Kemp among its satisfied clients in Leeds.

Run PPC, in Lion Chambers in Huddersfield, specialises in Google adverts for all industries to help businesses get noticed and generate more leads.

Staffed by a team who have previously worked at Google training dozens of digital agencies on the Google Ads platform, Run PPC are experts in helping you get the best results online.

And after a tough start to the year with the coronavirus pandemic affecting many clients, the company has flourished – with August being one of the best months on record, and each successive month topping the previous.

“The right Google Ads strategy can help you to be found in the right place at the right time"“The right Google Ads strategy can help you to be found in the right place at the right time"
“The right Google Ads strategy can help you to be found in the right place at the right time"

Asked what the company can offer local businesses, managing director Conor Hardy explains: “If someone is looking for a product or service in a specific geographical area, we make sure they appear prominently on Google for that particular search.

“The right Google Ads strategy can help you to be found in the right place at the right time and allows you to grow your business with more leads, more phone calls and more profit.

"And because of our insider knowledge, we know exactly how to invest your money to get you the best results."

One national firm to have benefitted from Run PPC’s expertise is Austin Kemp, which has offices in Leeds, Halifax, York, Harrogate and Wakefield as well as all over the UK.

Run PPC was able to geographically target their digital advertising efforts and greatly improve the quality of the leads the law firm was getting.

“Previously the client was getting unsuccessful leads that they didn't want to work with, so we set out to get more leads from profitable areas such as London,” explains Conor.

“We restructured the account to provide better targeting and lead quality, explaining that it wasn't in their best interests to generate leads that they wouldn't be able to work long-term.

“This actually led to a slight increase in lead costs as we were focusing on better quality traffic, but it led to the conversion rate increasing by 3.5 per cent month-on-month, meaning they were dealing with a much larger base of workable leads.”

Not had Google Ads before and not sure where to begin? Run PPC will give you a free consultation to talk you through a strategy they can put in place for you and your business to thrive. In addition, if you have Google ads already and aren't sure if it's fully optimised, Run PPC can do a free audit to make sure you're not just wasting your money.

He adds: “With Google Ads, people can reach your business in different ways. Our expert team are here to help you be found in the right place at the right time – when a customer is ready to purchase.”

To get your business noticed online today, contact Run PPC on 0113 5322 774 or visit